Occupational Medical Workforce in Crisis

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Safety and Health has produced a report highlighting the short and long terms issues in occupational Health in particular focusing on Occupational Health Physicians (OHP) in the industry and the growing shortage of OHP’s now and the concerns for the future – They go as far to call…

HMRC Calls Time on PSC Ltd Companies in the Public Sector

If you are a Ltd company and work via a recruitment agency and / or health care provider and the third part client is a public sector organisation then you must read this and be aware that big changes are afoot. HMRC made it abundantly clear in recent months that they would tackle the use…

Occupational Health in 2036

Indulge me for a minute – Take a leap forward 20 years and how will Occupational Health in the UK look in 2036. I have no doubt that it will be more accessible, wide ranging and more recognised than it is today but also streamlined – meaning almost entirely remote (phone based) – even online……